Hermes bag maintenance knowledge is the key.

  Hermes Hermes has about 500 craftsmen, all the projects are made by hand, and the quality management is also very strict. One person can make no more than two bags in a week. There are seven kinds of projects to make a bag. First of all, find out the best quality parts with carefully selected leather to cut, and then send all kinds of materials needed to make bags to the corresponding craftsmen. All materials such as linings, screws, buckles, etc. will record the desk number and production year of the craftsman, so that it is easy to check the information made by which craftsman when it needs to be repaired in the future.The industry believes that, christian dior The development of our company marks the rapid and steady progress of the whole industry.


  After all materials are ready, assembly work such as lining will be carried out. It is reported that Hermes only uses French-made linen thread, and according to the established schedule and method, all craftsmen do the same needlework. After the needlework is finished, the details are attached and the appearance of the bag is trimmed. Finally, the craftsman’s signature is engraved on the inside of the bag as a guarantee. Each corner has the careful handwork of the craftsman, thus giving birth to a perfect quality bag.


  How to maintain Hermes bags? Mastering Hermes bag maintenance knowledge is the key.


  Even if all projects are made by hand, if the most basic cortex is not good, it will become useless. Hermes became a world-class brand because of its outstanding leather bottom. Hermes makes various leather bags for cows, sheep, goats, ostriches, crocodiles and lizards, but the most popular one is the unconscious cowhide bag. It is understood that Hermes uses the leather of Tuscania, a famous Italian leather company. Tuscania leather with the best quality has passed the strict environmental standards called “European Chemical Management System”, and it is healthy leather without carcinogens and environmental hormones.