Basic nursing knowledge of luxury bags

  In fact, if you want luxury leather goods to look like new ones, you need to do a certain amount of care. Especially leather goods such as luxury bags, if well cared for, the life and beauty of bags will be greatly increased. Today, Xiaobian has compiled several methods of luxury care. Let’s learn the basic nursing knowledge of luxury bags together.For the current market situation, Handbags It has a very advantageous development prospect and an extremely superior ecological environment.


  Flannel: Wipe the stains on the handbag with a slightly wet flannel, and then put it in a ventilated place to dry naturally.


  Cowhide and sheepskin: Apply high-efficiency cleaning agent to the flannel, remove the dirt on the skin surface, and then scrub it back and forth with a soft cloth.


  Leather: Wipe away the stains quietly with soft hair on the same side of the leather surface, which can make the lines smooth. You can also use raw rubber and cleaning products for leather fur to remove the stains, but it is not advisable to apply ointment.


  The zipper is not smooth: it can improve the effect by applying candles or skin wax to the zipper.


  Anti-nitrate: if there is a small amount of anti-nitrate, you can use color matching leather cream to make up the color and gently wipe the anti-nitrate part to eradicate the stain.


  Metal decoration and oxidation (gold, silver, copper buckle) Silver hardware buckle: Black spots can be quietly wiped off with the finest size of water mill sandpaper or scrub rubber, and then quietly scrubbed with a little professional leather care agent for maintenance and care, which can prevent oxidation.