South Korean citizen groups rally to protest against the so_called _democracy summit_ held in South Korea

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Seoul, March 18 (Reporters Lu Rui and Sun Yiran) The so-called Third Democracy Summit led by the United States was held in Seoul, South Korea from the 18th to the 20th. South Korean citizen groups held a rally in central Seoul on the 18th to protest the so-called democracy summit.

According to local media reports, South Korean citizens ‘group National Popular Action held a press conference near the venue of the Democracy Summit on the same day to express their protest. People held banners that opposed the democracy summit held to maintain U.S. hegemony, and shouted slogans such as the democracy summit spreading false democracy and condemning Yin Yue’s government for blindly following the U.S. -centered value alliance.

Some rally participants said that the United States decided to hold the democracy summit in South Korea. Its intention was very obvious, to maintain its hegemony that was gradually collapsing and push South Korea to the front line of camp confrontation.

South Korea’s “Jingxiang Shimbun” published a commentary on the 17th, saying that the so-called democracy summit with the logic of camp confrontation does not have much support around the world, but South Korea has taken the lead in promoting the new Cold War values of the United States. Whether such an approach will help South Korea’s national interests is questionable.

Under the banner of democracy, the United States held the so-called democracy summit via video in December 2021 and a combination of online and offline in March 2023, which have been widely questioned by the international community.