United Nations Special Envoy for Syria_ The current situation in Syria is extremely difficult

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Damascus, March 17 (Reporters Ji Ze Cheng Shuaopeng) The United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria, Pei Kairu, said in the Syrian capital Damascus on the 17th that the current situation in Syria is extremely difficult and faces challenges in security, economic and political process.

After meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Mekdad that day, Pei Kaiju told the media that Syria’s humanitarian needs are increasing, but aid funds are decreasing.

Regarding the recent escalation of the conflict between the Syrian government and the opposition, Pei Kaiju urged both sides to resolve the crisis politically in a way that gave hope to the Syria people. He also said that the United Nations will continue to work hard to increase aid funds to help Syria meet relevant challenges.

The World Health Organization said on the 16th that the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Syria currently reaches 16.7 million, more than at any time since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011.